Token imperceptible refresh is a key technology for improving user authentication experience in modern web applications. In multi-user Internet services, it is crucial to ensure security while providing a seamless experience. Users expect smooth flow when using applications, without interruption from frequent logins or sudden logouts. The token-less refresh mechanism allows the system to automatically use the refresh token to obtain a new access token without user intervention when the access token is about to expire. In this way, the user’s operations will not be interrupted due to authentication expiration, which improves the overall user experience and application reliability. Implementing this mechanism involves a deep understanding of the authentication process, including token generation, storage, exchange, and invalidation handling. Through technical means such as request interception, status monitoring and background synchronization operations, token-less refresh ensures the persistence and security of user sessions and has become an indispensable link in modern web development.

1 Common Token unaware refresh methods

1.1 Interception request judgment method

The implementation of token-less refresh mainly relies on the cooperation between the client and the server.

  1. Obtain Access Token and Refresh Token : After successful user authentication, the backend should return Access Token for the client to use for subsequent request verification, and at the same time return Refresh Token to obtain a new Access Token when the Access Token is about to expire.
  2. Determine whether the Token is about to expire : The client needs a mechanism to determine whether the Access Token is about to expire. This can be achieved through the token expiration time returned by the backend, such as setting a threshold (such as two hours before expiration). When this condition is reached, the client actively requests the token refresh interface to obtain a new token.
  3. Pending requests and retries : Before initiating a request, the client should intercept each request and check the validity of the Access Token. If it is detected that the token is about to expire or has expired, the system will suspend the current request, refresh the token first, and then continue the previous request. This saves unnecessary requests and traffic.
  4. Security and consistency : It should be noted that this method relies on the token expiration time field provided by the backend and the accuracy of the client’s local time. If the local time has been tampered with, especially if it is slower than the server time, then the interception may fail. Therefore, it is recommended to use relative time rather than absolute time to handle the validity period of Token.

1.2 Backend return expiration time method

In the mechanism to implement token unconscious refresh, the backend return expiration time method is an effective method. Specifically, this approach involves the following steps and considerations:

  1. The backend provides support : In order to achieve imperceptible refresh, the backend should also provide a time field indicating the validity period of the Token when returning the Token. This can be an absolute expiration time, or a relative expiration time (for example, how long after the token will expire).
  2. Front-end judgment logic : The client needs to check the validity of the Token before each request is made. If it is found that the token is about to expire or has expired, the client should suspend the current request and refresh the token first.
  3. Request suspension and retry : Once it is detected that the token is about to expire, the client can choose to suspend the current request and continue the previous request after the token refresh is completed. Doing this ensures that expired tokens will not be sent, saving unnecessary requests and traffic.
  4. Response result interception : Another method is not to check the validity period of the Token in advance, but to refresh the Token after receiving an error response (such as status code 401) returned by the backend due to Token expiration. After the refresh is completed, use the new Token to re-initiate the previous request.
  5. Security and performance considerations : One drawback of this approach is that it relies on the extra fields provided by the backend and the accuracy of the local time. If the local time is inaccurate, especially if it is slower than the server time, then the method of pre-checking the token may fail. Therefore, it is recommended to use relative time rather than absolute time to handle the validity period of Token.
  6. Resource utilization and user experience : From the perspective of resource utilization and user experience, the best approach is to check and refresh the Token in the response interceptor. This method requires no additional resource consumption and users will not experience any interruption or login process.

1.3 Use refresh token method

Using the refresh token method is another way to achieve token-less refresh.

  1. Obtain Refresh Token : When the user logs in for the first time, in addition to returning the Access Token for the client to use for subsequent request verification, the backend should also return a Refresh Token. This Refresh Token usually has a longer validity period and is used to obtain a new Access Token when the Access Token is about to expire.
  2. Determine the validity of the Access Token : Before each request is initiated, the client needs to determine the validity of the Access Token. If it is found that the Access Token is about to expire or has expired, the client should suspend the current request and use Refresh Token to obtain a new Access Token.
  3. Refresh Access Token : The client uses Refresh Token to send a request to the backend to obtain a new Access Token. This request usually occurs on the backend, not the client, and is thus imperceptible to the user. The backend will verify the validity of the Refresh Token and, if valid, return a new Access Token to the client.
  4. Update Access Token : Once the client receives a new Access Token, it should immediately replace the old Token with the new Token and continue with the previous request. This ensures that subsequent requests will successfully pass authentication.
  5. Security and consistency : You need to pay attention to security issues when using the refresh token method. Because the Refresh Token has a long validity period, it may become a target for attackers. In order to ensure security, it is recommended to encrypt the Refresh Token and store it on the server side, and perform a validity check every time it is used.
  6. Performance and resource utilization : One advantage of this approach is that it reduces unnecessary requests and traffic consumption. By using Refresh Token to obtain a new Token when the Access Token is about to expire, frequent login operations can be avoided. However, implementing this method also requires back-end support and corresponding logical judgment to ensure the safety and efficiency of the refresh process.

2 Steps to implement Token imperceptible refresh

2.1 Choose the appropriate Token non-aware refresh method

The key steps to achieve token-less refresh include selecting the refresh method and configuring the authentication server and client.

  • Determine which unconscious refresh method to use, such as intercepting request judgment, backend returning expiration time, or using refresh token.
  • Consider user experience, security, and system performance factors to choose the method that best suits your application needs.

2.2 Configure authentication server and client

  1. Configure authentication server :
    • Ensure that the authentication server can support the selected silent refresh method.
    • If using JWT (JSON Web Tokens) as an access token, ensure that the server can correctly handle and verify the token signature.
    • For refresh tokens, set a long enough validity period and ensure they are stored securely on the server side.
    • Implement the API interface to accept refresh token requests and issue new access tokens.
    • Set up appropriate policies to handle token expiration and renewal.
  2. Configure client :
    • Clients need to store and manage access tokens and refresh tokens appropriately.
    • Implement logic to periodically check the validity of the access token and automatically use the refresh token to obtain a new access token when needed.
    • At the network request layer on the client side, implement an interceptor or middleware depending on the chosen method to check the token status and refresh it if necessary before sending the request.
    • Handle the token renewal process to ensure user session persistence and data consistency.
    • Ensure that the client’s time synchronization mechanism is accurate to avoid validation issues caused by local time deviations.

3 Sample code

3.1 Provide sample code using different methods to implement Token unaware refresh

3.1.1 Interception request judgment method

 import requests
 def refresh_token():
 def make_request(url, data):
     headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'}
     response =, data=data, headers=headers)
     if response.status_code == 401:  # 
         headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer <new_access_token>'
         response =, data=data, headers=headers)
     return response

3.1.2 Backend return expiration time method

 import requests
 def refresh_token():
 def make_request(url, data):
     headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'}
     response =, data=data, headers=headers)
     if response.status_code == 401:  # 
         headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer <new_access_token>'
         response =, data=data, headers=headers)
     return response

3.1.3 Using refresh token method

 import requests
 def refresh_token():
 def make_request(url, data):
     headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer <access_token>'}
     response =, data=data, headers=headers)
     if response.status_code == 401:  # 
         headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer <new_access_token>'
         response =, data=data, headers=headers)
     return response

3.2 Analyze the key points and precautions in the code

In the above sample code, we use different methods to achieve token-less refresh. The following is an analysis of the key points and considerations for each method:

  • Interception request judgment method : This method triggers a refresh operation by checking whether the token has expired before each request is sent. If the response status code is 401 (unauthorized or token expired), call refresh_token()the function to obtain a new access token and update the token information in the request header. Then resend the request. This method is suitable for scenarios where requests need to be sent frequently because it can refresh the token before each request.
  • Backend return expiration time method : This method relies on the token expiration time returned by the backend server to determine whether the token needs to be refreshed. If the response status code is 401, it means that the token has expired. At this time, refresh_token()the function will be called to obtain a new access token and update the token information in the request header. Then resend the request. This method is suitable when the backend server can provide the token expiration time.

3.3 Security considerations

3.3.1 Discuss the security risks that may be caused by the unconscious refresh of tokens

When implementing tokenless refresh, you may face the following security risks:

  1. Token compromise : If a token is obtained by a malicious attacker, they can use it to gain unauthorized access and operations. This can lead to sensitive data leakage, system compromise, or user identity theft.
  2. Replay attack : An attacker can intercept and resend an expired token to bypass the token expiration mechanism. This may result in unauthorized access and operations.
  3. Man-in-the-middle attack : An attacker can intercept communications during the token exchange process and tamper with or forge tokens. This could allow an attacker to gain illegal access to the system.
  4. Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) : An attacker can steal a user’s token by convincing them to click on a malicious link or execute a malicious script. The attacker can then use the token to perform unauthorized operations.
  5. Cross-site scripting (XSS) : An attacker can steal a user’s token by injecting malicious script into the application. The attacker can then use the token to perform unauthorized operations.

3.3.2 Provide some suggestions to improve the security of token unconscious refresh

In order to improve the security of token unconscious refresh, you can consider the following suggestions:

  1. Use HTTPS : Make sure to use the secure HTTPS protocol when transferring tokens to prevent them from being stolen or tampered with in transit.
  2. Short-lived tokens : Set the token’s validity period to be shorter to reduce the risk of the token being misused. At the same time, the token is refreshed periodically to keep the user’s session active.
  3. Token binding : Associating a token with a specific user session to ensure that only legitimate users can use the token. This is accomplished by including the user’s unique identifier in the token.
  4. Token verification : After receiving the token, verify it to ensure its validity. This can include checking if the token has expired, is associated with the intended user, etc.
  5. Limit token scope : Give each token an explicit scope to limit its access. This reduces the risk of token misuse.
  6. Monitoring and logging : Implement monitoring and logging mechanisms to promptly detect and track any suspicious token usage. This can help detect potential security threats and take appropriate action.
  7. Force user reauthentication : Require users to reauthenticate after a long period of inactivity to refresh the token and ensure its validity.
  8. Token deregistration : Provide a mechanism that allows users to proactively deregister their tokens to terminate their access rights. This helps prevent tokens from being misused or lost.

By taking these security considerations and recommendations, you can improve the security of token-less refresh and reduce potential security risks.

4 Performance optimization

4.1 Analyze the impact of Token unaware refresh on system performance

Although the token-less refresh mechanism provides a user-friendly experience, it will also have a certain impact on system performance. The following are the possible performance impacts of Token unaware refresh:

  1. Network request overhead : Implementing token-less refresh usually requires additional network requests to obtain new tokens. These additional requests increase network traffic on the system and can cause latency and bandwidth consumption.
  2. Increased server load : The server needs to handle requests to refresh the token every time the token expires. If a large number of users trigger token refreshes at the same time, it may increase the load on the server, resulting in longer response times and slower performance.
  3. Cache invalidation : Token unaware refresh may cause cache invalidation, because every time the token is refreshed, the previous cached data may no longer be valid. This may require re-fetching the data from the database or other storage, adding overhead to the read operation.
  4. Memory occupation : When the client implements token-less refresh, it may be necessary to store multiple tokens in memory in case of emergency. This increases the memory footprint of the client, which may cause problems on devices with limited resources.

4.2 Provide some optimization strategies to reduce performance overhead

In order to reduce the overhead of Token unaware refresh on system performance, the following optimization strategies can be considered:

  1. Batch request : Merge multiple small network requests into one batch request, which can reduce the number and overhead of network communication. This reduces the number of network requests caused by frequent token refreshes.
  2. Asynchronous processing : Use an asynchronous processing mechanism on the client side to handle token refresh. Through asynchronous operations, you can avoid blocking the main thread and improve the responsiveness of the user interface.
  3. Cache optimization : Use reasonable caching strategies to reduce requests to the server. For example, you can cache some data on the client, or use a local cache to store token information to reduce access to the server.
  4. Current limiting and throttling : Implement current limiting and throttling mechanisms on the server side to prevent too many refresh token requests from reaching the server at the same time. This balances the load on the server and ensures stable operation of the system.
  5. Prefetch tokens : Perform token refresh operations in advance before the token is about to expire. This avoids sudden request spikes caused by token expiration and smooths the system’s workload.
  6. Resource management : Reasonably manage the use of memory and storage resources on the client side. For example, clean up expired token information in a timely manner to avoid unnecessary memory usage.
  7. Monitoring and Tuning : Establish a monitoring system to monitor system performance and resource usage in real time. According to the monitoring results, the system configuration and parameters are adjusted and optimized in a timely manner to improve performance and efficiency.

By adopting these optimization strategies, the overhead of Token’s imperceptible refresh on system performance can be reduced, and the stability and response speed of the system can be improved.

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