Recently, Electron 30.0.0 was officially released! You can npm install electron@latestinstall it via , or download it from Electron’s release site, read on for details on this release.

🔥 Major updates

  • ASAR integrity fusion is supported on Windows. Existing applications with ASAR integrity enabled may not work properly on Windows if not configured correctly. Applications using the Electron packaging tool should upgrade to @electron/[email protected]or @electron/[email protected]. See our ASAR integrity tutorial for details.
  • New WebContentsViewand BaseWindowmain process modules, deprecated and replaced BrowserViewBrowserViewNow WebContentsViewa wrapper of , the old implementation has been removed. See our Web Embedding documentation to see how the new WebContentsView API compares to other similar APIs.
  • Implemented support for file system API.

🔧 Architecture update

  • Chromium upgraded to 124.0.6367.49
    • What’s new in Chrome 124 and DevTools 124
    • What’s new in Chrome 123 and DevTools 123
  • Node upgraded to 20.11.1
  • V8 upgraded to 12.4

🌟 New features

  • webviewsTransparent is now supported webpreference.
  • webContentsThere is a new instance property navigationHistoryand navigationHistory.getEntryAtIndexmethod on the API that enables applications to retrieve the URL and title of any navigation entry in the browsing history.
  • Added BrowserWindow.isOccluded()method that allows applications to check occlusion status.
  • netRequests made by the module now support proxy configuration.
  • navigator.serialThe Bluetooth port in now supports requests by service class ID.
  • Support NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTSCLI flags for Node.js.

⚠️ Notes

  • Cross-origin iframes now use Permission Policy to access functionality. Features available to a given iframe must be specified through the allow attribute in order to access them.
  • Removed --disable-color-correct-renderingcommand line switches. Chromium’s own support for color spaces is better, so this flag is no longer needed.
  • BrowserView.setAutoResizeThe behavior has changed on macOS . In Electron 30, BrowserView is now a wrapper for the new WebContentsView API. If your application uses BrowserView.setAutoResizea to perform more complex operations than filling the entire window, then you may already have custom logic that handles the differences in behavior on macOS. In Electron 30, this logic is no longer needed as the auto-resize behavior is consistent.
  • Removed the property of the object context-menuin the WebContents event . Please use the new attribute instead.paramsparams.inputFormTypeformControlType
  • Removed process.getIOCounters(). Chromium has removed access to this information.

🌈 Upgrade to Electron 30.0.0 to experience new features and improvements!

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