Declarative programming is a programming paradigm that emphasizes describing the logic and rules of a problem rather than specifying specific steps to solve the problem. In declarative programming, we focus on “what” rather than “how”.

In declarative programming, we describe a problem by defining its properties, rules, and constraints. These descriptions can be in the form of mathematical formulas, logical expressions, specifications, or other forms. By defining the nature of the problem and the rules for its solution, declarative programming can provide a higher level of abstraction and clearer expression of the problem.

The opposite of declarative programming is imperative programming, which pays more attention to specific steps and instructions to solve problems. In imperative programming, we describe a problem-solving process by writing a series of instructions.

An important feature of declarative programming is that it is independent of the computer’s order of execution. It pays more attention to the essence of the problem and the rules rather than relying on the specific execution sequence. This makes declarative programming more expressive, readable, and easy to reason about.

Common declarative programming paradigms include functional programming and logic programming. Functional programming uses functions as the main building blocks, emphasizing immutability and the use of pure functions. Logic programming uses logical expressions and rules to describe problems and solutions.

In short, declarative programming is a programming paradigm that focuses on the logic and rules of the problem rather than the specific steps. It describes the problem by defining its characteristics and constraints, providing a higher level of abstraction and clearer problem expression.

Applicable scene

Declarative programming is suitable for a variety of scenarios, especially when it can bring its advantages:

  1. User Interface Development: Declarative programming is ideal for user interface development, especially when building complex UI components and layouts. By using a declarative UI framework or library, developers can implement the interface by describing the structure and behavior of the UI without manually manipulating the DOM or handling events.
  2. Data processing and transformation: Declarative programming also works well when it comes to data processing and transformation. For example, in functional programming, you can use declarative function composition and transformation operations to handle data flow without the need for explicit loops and conditional statements.
  3. Querying and filtering: Declarative programming is suitable for querying and filtering data scenarios. For example, in a database query, a declarative query language (such as SQL) can be used to describe the required data, and the database engine is responsible for executing the query operation.
  4. Rule engines and business rules: Declarative programming can be used to implement rule engines and systems that handle business rules. By using a declarative rule language, business rules can be defined in the form of logical expressions and automatically executed and reasoned by the rules engine.
  5. Parallel and distributed computing: Declarative programming can be easily applied in parallel and distributed computing environments. By describing the logic and rules of the problem, it is easier to perform task parallelization and distributed computing, and to take advantage of the parallel processing capabilities of computing resources.
  6. Configuration and deployment management: Declarative programming is also useful in configuration and deployment management. For example, using a declarative configuration language (such as YAML) can describe the configuration and deployment requirements of an application without writing complex scripts and instructions.

In summary, declarative programming is suitable for many scenarios, especially when it comes to describing logic and rules for problems, processing data flows, querying and filtering data, processing business rules, parallel and distributed computing, and configuration and deployment management. It provides a higher level of abstraction and clearer problem expression, allowing developers to focus more on the problem itself rather than specific implementation details.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  1. High readability: Declarative code is clearer and easier to understand. It focuses on the essence of the problem and rules rather than specific implementation details, making the code easier to read and maintain.
  2. Highly maintainable: Since declarative code is more expressive and readable, it is generally easier to maintain. The logic and rules of the problem are clearly described, making modifying and updating the code more intuitive and safer.
  3. Strong ability of abstraction and composition: Declarative programming tends to use abstraction and composition to build complex systems. By breaking down problems into smaller, composable parts, complexity can be better managed and code can be made more reusable and scalable.
  4. Parallelism and Concurrency: Declarative programming generally makes it easier to achieve parallel and concurrent execution. By focusing on the essence and rules of the problem rather than the specific execution steps, it is easier to break down the task into parts for parallel execution, improving the performance and responsiveness of the program.


  1. Steep learning curve: Declarative programming usually requires a certain learning curve. It can take some time and effort to understand the nature of the problem and the rules, and to adapt to a declarative programming mindset.
  2. Limited flexibility: In some cases, declarative programming may not provide enough flexibility. Since declarative code pays more attention to the logic and rules of the problem, some specific needs and scenarios may require a more flexible imperative programming approach.
  3. Performance issues: In some cases, declarative programming may not be as efficient as imperative programming. Since declarative code is generally more abstract and general, some performance may be sacrificed. In performance-critical scenarios, the benefits of using declarative programming may need to be weighed against the performance requirements.

Overall, declarative programming has the advantages of high readability, strong maintainability, strong abstraction and composition capabilities, and good parallelism and concurrency. However, it can also have drawbacks such as a steep learning curve, limited flexibility, and performance issues. Choosing to use declarative or imperative programming requires trade-offs based on specific problems and needs.


In Swift, a classic example of declarative programming is using functional programming to work with arrays. Here is an example of filtering and transforming an array using declarative programming:

let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

let result = numbers
    .filter { $0 % 2 == 0 }  // 
    .map { $0 * 2 }  // 
    .reduce(0, +)  // 

print(result)  // output:60

In this example, we first use filterthe function to filter out the even numbers in the array, then use mapthe function to multiply each even number by 2, and finally use reducethe function to sum all the even numbers multiplied by 2. This chain of function calls makes the code more expressive and clearly describes the operations on the array.

By using functional programming’s higher-order functions (such as filtermapand reduce), we can break down the problem into a series of operations, each of which is a transformation or filter on the original array. This declarative coding style makes the code easier to understand and maintain, while providing a higher level of abstraction so that we can focus on the essence of the problem rather than the specific implementation details.

It’s important to note that this is just a simple example of declarative programming in Swift. In actual development, you can also use more high-order functions and function combination techniques to process arrays and other data structures to achieve more complex logic and transformations.

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