As microservice technology becomes more and more mature, various technical systems continue to emerge, such as SpringCloud Nettfix, SpringCloud Alibaba, etc. In fact, these two sets are most commonly used in China, and the others will not be discussed.

Everyone on the Internet is touting Alibaba’s approach, and there are headlines that Eureka officially no longer maintains running rampant across the Internet. So is Eureka really unmaintained? Do you still need to learn Eureka? Let’s talk about these two issues below.

  1. Does anyone still maintain Eureka? Is it still worth learning?
  2. Which registration center should I choose, Eureka or Nacos?

Convention: The Spring Cloud Netflix mentioned in the subsequent article is equivalent to Spring Cloud Eureka, because only Eureka is left in the Spring Cloud Netflix project. Other projects have been discontinued for maintenance. See Github for details: SpringCloudNetflix

Is anyone maintaining Eureka?

Whether we introduce a third-party dependency into the project in actual work , we will first consider these two factors.

  1. Are dependencies stable? Unstable PASS drops, no one wants to be a guinea pig.
  2. Is the dependency still maintained? If there is no one to maintain it, it will be dropped. If there is a software, there will be bugs. It is very scary to have no one to maintain it except bugs.

Let’s talk about our protagonist Eureka today, Github official address…

You can see from Github that the latest release is June 23! Huh? Isn’t it said online that Eureka has stopped maintenance? Why are there still people submitting code?

This is a psychological implication created by the headline party to mislead readers. In fact, Eureka official only said that Eureka2.x will no longer be maintained. Official original text:… Officially, Eureka2.x is no longer maintained, but Eureka1.x is still actively maintained. Looking through Github, you can find that the latest release version of 1.x is December 22. It’s not that no one maintains it.

The official original text is as follows; The existing open source work on eureka 2.0 is discontinued. The code base and artifacts that were released as part of the existing repository of work on the 2.x branch is considered use at your own risk. Eureka 1.x is a core part of Netflix’s service discovery system and is still an active project.

Since Eureka has always been maintained, what about SpringCloud Eureka? You might as well check the official website information: SpringCloudNettfix official website to check the version information … As you can see from the picture below, the latest version was released on November 28, 2023. And commercial support is until 26 years! (The current time is New Year’s Day, 24th) Therefore, the Spring Cloud Netflix series is still actively maintained by the official, so users don’t have to worry.


  • Eureka2.x announced that it would stop development in 2018. Eureka1.x has been officially maintained.
  • Eureka.2.0 was released in June 2023, which is essentially the same as 1.x. For related content, you can view Netflix Eureka 2.0.0 officially released: Borrowing a corpse to bring back the soul or a feint?
  • Spring Cloud Netflix is ​​also still under active maintenance. They have been commercially supported for 26 years, so don’t worry.
  • It should be noted that the Spring Cloud Netflix series components only include Eureka (see the picture below). Zuul, Hystrix, Ribbon, etc. are no longer maintained. SpringCloud Netflix load balancing usesspring-cloud-starter-loadbalancer

Registration center comparison

Comparison of commonly used registration centers: Eureka Nacos Consul

The first problem has been solved. We understand that Eureka is still actively maintained by a team. Next, let’s take a look at the many registration center products. How to select technology.

In the Java field, the registration centers available to us are actually Zookeeper, Eureka, Nacos, Consul, etc. But as far as pure registration centers are concerned, Eureka and Nacos are mostly used in China. Let’s mainly look at the difference between these two.

CAP theoremAPAP and CP
Safetyacl (can set user login)

Nacos supports more comprehensive functions, and also integrates a configuration center, which can assign accounts to log in – with a certain degree of security, switching between AP and CP is just a matter of one line of commands. Nacos can accomplish more functions.

What Eureka focuses on is a pure, pure registration center! It is much simpler than Nacos, and its performance is also excellent.

Eureka is small but good enough! If you want a simple registration center, this is the right choice . If you face complex microservice management, want to use it with a configuration center, need security management, or want to use SpringCloudAlibaba series components, then choose Nacos.

In the end, Nacos or Eureka?

So Eureka still needs to be learned. Do you have the answer?

If you are a friend who is already working, you should learn whatever the company uses. This will be the most efficient.

If you are starting to learn, it is highly recommended to start with Eureka first, because the functions are simple and the source code looks simpler. It is said that technologies are interlinked. First get started with the registration center and understand the ideas of the registration center. Then you will learn by analogy with Nacos or other registration centers.

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