UITrait and UITraitDefinition

  • iOS17 adds a new protocol UITraitDefinitionto represent the type of features in a feature collection. Custom features can be implemented by adhering to this protocol.
  • UITrait is UITraitDefinition.Typean alias for .
@available(iOS 17.0, tvOS 17.0, *)
public protocol UITraitDefinition {
    associatedtype Value
    static var defaultValue: Self.Value { get }
    static var identifier: String { get }
    static var name: String { get }
    static var affectsColorAppearance: Bool { get }

@available(iOS 17.0, tvOS 17.0, *)
public typealias UITrait = UITraitDefinition.Type


  • All traits contained in UITraitCollection adhere to UITraitDefinitionthe protocol.
  • New constructor methods added.
  • Added modification method.
let customTraits = UITraitCollection { mutableTraits in
    mutableTraits.horizontalSizeClass = .compact
    mutableTraits.verticalSizeClass = .regular
    mutableTraits.userInterfaceStyle = .light

let modifyTraits = customTraits.modifyingTraits { mutableTraits in
    mutableTraits.horizontalSizeClass = .regular
    mutableTraits.verticalSizeClass = .compact
    mutableTraits.userInterfaceStyle = .dark


The methods in the UITraitEnvironment protocol traitCollectionDidChange()are obsolete. To listen for feature changes, you need to use UITraitChangeObservablethe corresponding feature change registration method in the protocol.

import UIKit

extension UIColor {
    static var viewBackgroundColor: UIColor {
        .init { (trait: UITraitCollection) -> UIColor in
            if trait.userInterfaceStyle == .dark {
                return .white
            return .black

    static var viewControllerBackgroundColor: UIColor {
        .init { (trait: UITraitCollection) -> UIColor in
            if trait.userInterfaceStyle == .dark {
                return .red
            return .green

class CustomView: UIView {
    override init(frame: CGRect) {
        super.init(frame: frame)

        registerForTraitChanges([UITraitUserInterfaceStyle.self], action: #selector(configureView))

    required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
        fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")

    // MARK: 
    override func traitCollectionDidChange(_ previousTraitCollection: UITraitCollection?) {}

    @objc private func configureView() {
        backgroundColor = .viewBackgroundColor

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    lazy var customView: CustomView = {
        let customView = CustomView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100))
        customView.center = view.center
        customView.backgroundColor = .viewBackgroundColor
        return customView

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        view.backgroundColor = .viewControllerBackgroundColor
        registerForTraitChanges([UITraitUserInterfaceStyle.self]) { (self: Self, previousTraitCollection: UITraitCollection) in
            self.view.backgroundColor = .viewControllerBackgroundColor

    override func traitCollectionDidChange(_ previousTraitCollection: UITraitCollection?) {}

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