RunLoop is a core concept in iOS and macOS development. It is used to manage event loops within threads to ensure that threads are busy when there is work and sleep when there is no work, thereby effectively managing resources and battery life. The working principle and application of RunLoop are similar to the event loop mechanism in other operating systems, but it also has its own unique implementation and optimization.

Comparison of RunLoop and other operating systems


  • Event loop mechanism : RunLoop and the event loop mechanism in other operating systems (such as Linux’s epoll, Windows’ message loop) are based on the event-driven programming model. These mechanisms allow applications to remain active when there are events to process and to sleep when there are no events to process, thereby improving application efficiency and response speed.
  • Event-based processing : Whether it is RunLoop or the event loop of other operating systems, they all work around the arrival of events. These events may be user input, network requests, timer triggers, etc.

the difference

  • Implementation details : The implementation of RunLoop relies on the Core Foundation framework for iOS and macOS, specifically the CFRunLoopRefand NSRunLoopclasses. This is different in implementation from Linux’s epoll or Windows’ message loop, which usually rely on APIs provided by the operating system.
  • Interrupt and sleep mechanism : The sleep mechanism used by RunLoop allows the thread to enter sleep state when there is no event processing until an event arrives or the timer fires. This may be implemented differently from the event loops of other operating systems. For example, RunLoop implements sleep and wake-up through the mach port and interrupt mechanism, which is based on the characteristics of the underlying Mach kernel of macOS and iOS [6].
  • Input sources and modes : RunLoop supports a variety of input sources (such as timers, ports and custom sources) and run modes, allowing developers to flexibly configure according to their needs. This design makes RunLoop more flexible and efficient when processing UI events and background tasks [1][2][3].

Unique optimization

  • Optimization of UI and background tasks : iOS and macOS have specially optimized RunLoop to handle UI updates and background tasks, and ensure the smoothness of the UI and the effective execution of background tasks through different running modes. For example, when the user scrolls UIScrollView, RunLoop will switch to UITrackingRunLoopModemode and prioritize UI events to ensure smooth sliding [2][4].
  • Integrated into Cocoa and Core Foundation frameworks : RunLoop is deeply integrated into the development frameworks of iOS and macOS, providing a rich API to manage timers, event sources and observers. This integration makes it easier for developers to use RunLoop to manage threads and events in applications [1][3].

In summary, although RunLoop has similarities in basic principles with event loop mechanisms in other operating systems, RunLoop has specifically adapted to the needs of the iOS and macOS platforms through its unique implementation and optimization, providing efficient event processing. and thread management capabilities.