Recently, Android 15 released Preview 1. The preview plan will last from February 2024 to the public release of Android 15 (expected in October). March is developer preview 2, April will launch Beta 1, and May will Launching Beta 2, Beta 3 in June, Beta 4 in July and then the official release.

It feels like it is a functionally “dispensable” version that is “indispensable” for adaptation.


The preview version does not seem to have changed much at the moment. The “highlights” worth mentioning are mainly focused on the “notification cooling” function. It has to be said that almost every version of Android tosses the notification center:

  • Android 5.0 begins to support important notifications, lock screen notifications and do not disturb mode
  • Android 7.0 begins to support setting notification priority and notification mode (message/reply/group)
  • Android 8.0 begins to support channel notifications and notification restrictions
  • Android 10 starts to support operations on notifications (addAction)
  • Android 11 USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT supports sending full-screen intent when locked
  • Android 12 does not support fully custom notifications, force FLAG_IMMUTABLEFLAG_MUTABLEflag
  • Android 13 adds runtime permissions for notifications[android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATION]
  • Android 14 adds safe full-screen Intent notifications. Only applications that provide calls and alarm clocks support full-screen Intents, and improves the way notifications cannot be turned off.

Starting from Android 15, notification cooling is mainly used to limit continuous notifications from the same source. Users can choose to apply it to all notifications or only to conversation notifications .

Continuous notifications from the same source will gradually reduce the notification volume . However, according to the current preview version, repeated notifications will not be completely muted, but will be reminded from the same source through volume changes.

“Notification Cooling” currently has an “unknown” cooling timer in the preview version, that is, the “cooling” will be reset after a period of time. Once reset, the original volume will be restored. There is no customizable “cooling time” yet. device” support.

file integrity

Android 15’s FileIntegrityManager includes a new API: , which takes advantage of the fs-veritysetupFsVerity feature in the Linux kernel . Files can be protected with custom cryptographic signatures , helping developers ensure that they have not been tampered with or corrupted ( ), which can enhance security and prevent Potential malware or unauthorized file modification that could harm the app’s functionality or data.getFsVerityDigest

fs-verity is generally used to provide integrity protection, that is, to detect accidental (non-malicious) corruption, but since fs-verity makes retrieving file hashes extremely efficient, it is mainly used to support authentication (detection of malicious modifications) or Tool for auditing (logging file hashes before use).

Partial screen sharing

Android 15 supports partial screen sharing. Users can share or record only an application window instead of the entire device screen. This support has actually been enabled in Android 14 QPR2. This feature includes MediaProjection callbacks:

  • MediaProjection.Callback#onCapturedContentResize() Allows the shared projection to be resized based on the size of the captured display area.
  • MediaProjection.Callback#onCapturedContentVisibilityChanged() Inform the shared projection hosting application whether the captured content is visible or not. The hosting application can show or hide the captured content on the output surface based on whether the captured area is visible to the user. For example, in multi-window mode, if another application completely covers the shared application. , the host can hide shared applications on the output surface.

It should be noted that starting from API 34, each MediaProjection capture session requires user consent , and each MediaProjectioninstance can only be used once.


Android 15 continues to promote the Android Dynamic Performance Framework (ADPF) . ADPF serves as a set of APIs that allow games and performance-intensive applications to interact more directly with the power and cooling system of Android devices. The main functions of ADPF involve: thermal status monitoring (Android 11), CPU performance tips (Android 12) and fixed performance mode (Android 11), etc. On devices that support ADPF, Android 15 will add new ADPF features:

  • Power-efficiency mode , where associated threads should prioritize energy conservation over performance, is ideal for long-running background workloads.
  • Both GPU and CPU work durations are available in prompt sessions, allowing the system to adjust CPU and GPU frequencies together to best meet workload demands.
  • Thermal margin thresholds can be used to interpret possible thermal throttling states based on margin predictions.

at last

The rest, such as Privacy Sandbox, which involves advertising privacy sandbox and Health Connect, I believe that the country is not very concerned about it for the time being, so it is not worth mentioning.

Then the next step is to wait and wait for the Android 15 adaptation guide~

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